
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Preparing For The Holidays

Good Morning,

It's the most wonderful time of the year.  The Holidays are upon us, Halloween is right around the corner, and for the handmade artist that is the cue to begin counting, organizing and producing items for sale.  Many artists tend to panic a little bit about this time of year.  Here are some tips for handling the holiday rush.

Inventory: What's in yours?

Time to do a little counting, or if you keep an inventory in quick books or other program, now is the time to go through it.  Check your items against your paperwork.  Check your pricing and make sure you have all those pretty things listed in your shop.

Do you have an on line shop? (Is that a silly question?)

Now is the time to go through every item in your shop, physical or otherwise.  Check for broken items and repair or replace them.  Are you sure you have everything that you have listed in your shop?  Take the time to check.  Did you sell a piece off line and forget to delete or deactivate the listing?  While your checking your shop look for those things, too.

Have you made new items?

Make sure the new items have a prominent position in your shop.  Make them the featured item, or be sure that they appear somewhere on the front page of your online store.
Do you need to make items?

Inventory looking a little thin?  Sold several pieces lately? You guessed it, now is the time to make something new.  Go through those loose bits and baubles, surely there is something you can create to fill out those virtual shelves.

Do you have the things you need to make items?

Those loose bits and baubles don't quite add up to a piece?  Make a list of only those things you think you will need to complete the piece or project.   It is very easy to over buy.  I know I can't walk into an art supply store without dreaming of uses for everything I see, but I only need clasps, so I get clasps.

Do you have packaging?

Do you have boxes, bags, filler, or envelopes?  No?  Well go get them.  Remember places like The UPS Store will charge you for the packing material as well, and the $3.50 you charged for shipping will not cover the cost of purchasing the boxes and things at your choice of mail service providers.

Do you offer gift boxes or wrapping with purchase?

You do?  Do your listings or shop state this is an option?  Sometimes a sale is made or broken because the customer is in a hurry and doesn't want to (or isn't very accomplished) at wrapping packages.  Think about creating a listing for Gift Wrapping the item when purchased. A small fee is acceptable for the service and you might be surprised that offering a small convenience will bring you a sale.

Do you have a tip or trick for getting ready for the holiday season?  Feel free to share it in the comments.

Thank you for stopping in and having a read.  In hope this will be helpful.

The Alchemists Vessel would like to wish you a pleasant day.

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