
Friday, May 24, 2013

Using Social Media Responsibly

Good Morning,

Happy Friday!  I would like to wish one and all a very happy Memorial Day Weekend, get out there and have some fun, or simply rest and prepare for Tuesday!

This morning I would like to discuss using social media sites, because they are a wonderful tool.  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and others, all have the capability and the potential to be fabulous marketing tools for sellers, and a great place to window shop for free.

However there is a downfall to these modern marvels, and it is the very public you're trying to reach.  These sites are neat, I belong to several to help promote my wares; however what I present to the public has the possibility of be re-posted and shared.  That is great, and is also the site doing it's job, connecting me with strangers that like my jewelry.

However; many of these re-pinners or re-posters, do not take the time to think things through.  Posting something an artists has made on a board entitled DIY, Things For My Hands To Do, Jewelry Ideas, is tantamount to stealing.  That's right, I said stealing.  Writing a detailed materials list underneath a shared post, or an explanation of how the artist may have created the piece and announcing that the poster intends to craft one using a different color or bead is still in essence, stealing.  It is not flattery, it is not admiration, it is taking something from someone else and using it as their own.  That is not only bad form, that person/re-poster/re-pinner may have just stripped the artist of a sale, their livelihood!

If you like the artists work, say so, perhaps you could write them a note and express your admiration, maybe ask what is the price of that lovely piece you like so much.  Perhaps an arrangement could be met.

Items posted to boards as the ones mentioned above not only cheapen the artist, but tends to make them very angry at the same time.  What that re-pinner has done is diminish the time, effort and work the artist put into their piece.  The artist designed, crafted, assembled that piece, item, painting, ceramic, pin, button what have you, whether to sell or for pleasure, they chose to share their work with others.  This is not a license, as so many think, to start to copy or re-make the artists item for themselves, or their own gain. 

So how does one use social media responsibly?  Start by not marking things "Do It Yourself", because in most cases you won't be able to re-create or make the item yourself.   Maybe title a board, "Art / Artists I Really Admire", "My Favorite Products", "Wish I Made That" or something that doesn't suggest you're going to re-make the item.  There are ways and words that get the point across without thieving from someone else.

Something to think about.

Thank you for stopping in and having a look.

The Alchemists Vessel would like to wish you a pleasant day.