
Friday, March 22, 2013

Promotion - TVFM March Market

Good Morning,

I am out of stuff to talk about this week.  So in lieu of a real topic, let's take a look at the Treasure Valley Flea Market.

I have not attended the show since November of 2012, as a vendor, nor have I returned as a shopper, but sometimes life is a four letter word that gets in the way of what you would like to do.

This weekend is, once again, The Treasure Valley Flea Market, hosted by Spectra Productions, and held at Expo Idaho, on Glenwood at Hawk's Stadium.

There are vendors of all kinds, Crafts, Garage Goodies, Nick-Knacks and local businesses from Cell Phone Accessories to Home-baked Doggie Treats.

Stop by and have a look see.

5610 Chinden Blvd.
Garden City, ID
Admission is $2.00 at the door.

Thank you for stopping in and having a look.

The Alchemists Vessel would like to wish you a pleasant day.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! I haven't been to a flea market in a long time. We have one in Prescott Az.
