
Friday, February 22, 2013

Handmade Artists, A Site For Sore Artists

Happy Friday,

This morning I would like to share some of the wonderful things that has to offer.

Many of you claim you love etsy, Ok that's fair.  However the big orange E has turned away from its original goal, and become the Walmart of the internet.  Such a  shame.  Many artists, artisans, and makers of beautiful things have jumped etsy's ship, or been forcibly removed from the site or other sites due to one perceived infraction or another.  I would like to show you how simple it is for you as a buyer or seller to use Handmade Artists.  Buyer accounts are always free!

This is the Home Page or the top of it.  From here you can access all of the neat stuff on the site.  The Categories menu takes you to all the fabulous and must have items that vendors have for sale.

Let me first say that their service is absolutely impeccable!  Seller or buyer account holders will always receive the highest level of quality customer service and care that I have ever had the pleasure to experience.  They have also upgraded and expanded their servers, this has allowed for a faster site along with room to grow.

Buyers and others you will not be disappointed.  Structured very much like etsy, they have many amenities, like the Forum, Seller Shops, Highlights, and a Blog right there on the home page so you can keep up with the latest trends and advice or just reading about a topic that interests you.

You do have to sign up, which is easy, simple and super quick.

For the artists, if you are unsatisfied with etsy or other sites, art fire or what have you, take a look at what handmade artists has to offer:
Your Shop account is just $5.00 a month or $50.00  a year.  That is cheaper than listing 20 items on etsy and re-listing them every four months for a year.  A real value for the money, and you can list a lot of items, I won't say unlimited, there is a cap, but I don't think any one is going to list 10,000 or more items so it might as well be unlimited.  Best part is, your listing never expires, as long as your monthly shop fee is paid, your item is there forever!  Bonus!

The forum, talk about friendly, happy people.  Got a question, you will get an answer, have a problem, there is support, just want to hang out and chat, yup, they have that too.  There is even a scheduled forum chat every Thursday night.

Sign Up is easy, and although there is not a "transfer" files button, this gives you an opportunity to list your items fresh.  The item page is quick, easy and intuitive! Plus there are all kinds of categories in which to list your item, choose the one that is right for your item.  Get in now while it is still small.  578 shops and growing everyday!  Also a roll by or marquis is included, and your shop will appear in the list below on the home page!

  Sellers and Buyers, worried about security and your information?   The site is safe, secure, and uses Pay Pal.  I myself have made several sales and have found it to be a simple and hassle free process.  I know, I know, some of you have had issues with pay pal.  Don't forget that many of the artists are willing to make other arrangements to make sure the item you desire gets to you!

Highlights.  What is a highlight?  If you have used Etsy or looked at a friends "Treasury" you know what a Highlight is.  Created by Sellers and Buyers alike,  20 items are chosen from around the site and compile a list of favorites, give it a theme, or use it to enter one of the many contests the site hosts.

Selected items from the winner of Highlight Contest #29, the prize was a $25.00 Gift Certificate to any of the shops on Handmade Artists.

 Let's talk about Promotion.  You know the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and are there some squeaky wheels over there.  You can only promote yourself so much; but at Handmade Artists, they do it for you as well.  Your items are shared by the powers that be and forum members as well.  They post / share things on Facebook, Pinterest, have a Google Community page, and you can feature yourself on their blog (just fill out the questionnaire and watch Kimberly turn in to a wonderful article all about YOU and YOUR SHOP!)  The perks are almost endless, and the site is just a lot of fun too.

Participate in the Blog Ring, sign up to contribute to the site's blog.  Get connected with other artists in your area, post a photo of your newest item and watch the shares roll out.

Frankly there is no better place to sell or be a seller on the internet.  Buyers, all this is available to you as well, you don't have to make things to play on the site.  Join the Forum, see what those clever and crafty people are up to, throw out suggestions, talk about your favorite pet.  Whatever, the forum is there to cultivate communication and community.

I would also like to mention that this year Handmade Artists was nominated for a Shorty Award.  An award given by Twitter for the use of its site to promote small business on Social Platforms. Handmade Artists came in 8th.  Not too shabby.

Want to check out more?

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It's Better Handmade
It's Better Handmade!

On Fire For Handmade 
On Fire for Handmade!


  1. There are not enough wonderful things to say about HandmadeArtists! Love it!!!!

  2. Alix you tried your very best to cover it all, but you, the New seller, buyer need to go and check it out is way more than that....HANDMADE, QUALITY, ONE OF A KIND, DESIGNER MADE...

    Thank you for writing this post, Alix...(smile)

  3. Fantastic post Alix… (HAFshop) is the best place for the handmade artist to sell, learn, promote, support… and buy. 100% Handmade!

  4. Sold! I've slowly been checking out all the online selling sites and this article helped me make my decision.

    Sher, Day Dreams
