
Friday, January 11, 2013

Links, Promotions, Friday Post 250

Happy Friday,

Welcome to the 250th post of blog.  Lack-luster, I know.  It is a balmy four (4) degrees outside and the snow is piled up against the back door with promises of snowing me in today.  The garage door has frozen shut and is stuck to the driveway,  I kid you not.  As soon as the sun rises here, it's time to haul out the pick and un-stick it!  That is a first for this California Grrl.  (I spelled it right).

This morning I am out of links and promotions, so gentle reminders are in order.

If you are brave enough to venture out into the below freezing temperatures and the icy roads you can visit the:

Treasure Valley Flea Market
*Expo Idaho
5610 Chinden Blvd.
Boise, ID
Saturday Jan 12, 9 - 6
Sunday Jan 13, 10 - 4
Admission is $2.00 at the door.

*Formerly the Western Idaho Fairgrounds.

The Alchemists Vessel will not be in attendance this month, but you can look for us at the Market in February.

Things are gearing up for 2013 here at T.A.V.  I am in possession of and almost finished with the final module for class, and am well on the way to having the e-book blog ready for inspection (or reading), as well as opening a second shop for the hand-forged items I am making and accumulating.

Thank you for stopping in and having a look.

The Alchemists Vessel would like to wish you a pleasant weekend.

What?  No photos?  Man...

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