
Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday - Market Report

Good Morning,

Monday's are usually devoted to new items in the on line shops.  This morning, due to my participation in the Treasure Valley Flea Market over the weekend, I do not have much to share.

I can't say I am happy with the results of this months Market, and as such I think it is time I look for another venue.  Today will be devoted to sorting, cleaning, and re-organizing inventory!  Doesn't that sound like fun?

Although I enjoy the socializing and talking to customers, it has become more of a chore than an event I look forward to participating in.  I would like to thank those of you that came out, said hello, and did a little shopping.

There are still plenty of lovely items on-line and custom work is always welcome.  Get those orders in early as I gear up for the Holidays.

The Alchemists Vessel - Handmade Artists
The Alchemists Vessel - Etsy

 The Alchemists Vessel - Official Website

 Thank you for stopping in and having a look.

The Alchemists Vessel would like to wish you a pleasant day.

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