
Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Links

Happy Friday!  The weekend is finally here and that means relaxation!

Today I had a lovely conversation with a friend of mine.  We spent a couple of hours on the phone discussing business, marketing, Business names, strategies for everything, including where to find material.

Since this week has been all about The Alchemists Vessel, let's put all of links in a list, of course they can all be found to the right on the side menu bar, but this is maybe easier to look at.

Tutorial Videos on Facebook (These may also be found on Youtube)

We also have listings, stacks and stuff on Delicious, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google Plus pages, a wordpress blog, and all kinds of places to find us across the web!

**[This app is from Facebook, you may buy directly from the page without leaving facebook or requiring an Etsy Account]

Thank you for stopping by, we would like to wish you a pleasant weekend.

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